
Piercing Historien

Piercing historien er lang og strækker sig tilbage til gamle tider og forskellige kulturer

Tidlige piercing historie

Piercing  praksis går tilbage til oldtiden og har været en del af forskellige kulturer rundt om i verden. Arkæologiske fund har vist, at folk bar piercinger i ørerne, næsen, læberne og andre kropsdele for tusinder af år siden. Disse piercinger havde ofte en symbolsk, rituel eller kulturel betydning, såsom at markere overgangsritualer, sociale status eller religiøse ceremonier, her er nogle eksempler på body piercing fra forskellige kulturer


I oldtidens Egypten bar både mænd og kvinder øreringe, og det er kendt fra billeder, statuer og mumier. Ørepiercing var en almindelig praksis og blev anset for at have en beskyttende og dekorativ funktion.


Romerske legionærer bar ofte øreringe som en form for amulet eller beskyttelse under deres militære kampagner. Ørepiercing var også udbredt blandt andre samfundslag og havde en social og kulturel betydning.


Næsepiercing var og er stadig en almindelig praksis i mange indiske kulturer. I nogle samfund har næsepiercing en symbolsk betydning og kan indikere ægteskabelig status eller religiøs tilknytning.


I mange mellemøstlige kulturer bar kvinder næse- og ørepiercing som en del af deres traditionelle beklædning og udsmykning.


Maya- og Aztec-kulturerne i det gamle Mesoamerika praktiserede body piercing som en del af deres religiøse ceremonier. Mange billeder af guder og højtstående personer viser dem med næse- og ørepiercinger.

Oceanien og Stillehavsøerne

I nogle stammer og kulturer i Oceanien og Stillehavsøerne var kropsudsmykning, herunder piercing, udbredt. For eksempel bar nogle stammer i Papua Ny Guinea traditionelt store tungepiercinger som et tegn på styrke og mod.

Disse eksempler er blot nogle få af de mange kulturer, der har praktiseret ancient body piercing. Praksissen har haft forskellige formål, betydninger og traditioner i de forskellige kulturer og er fortsat en vigtig del af kulturel identitet og selvudtryk i nogle samfund i dag.


Ørepiercing er en af de ældste og mest udbredte former for kropspiercing. Det har været praktiseret i forskellige kulturer i århundreder og tjente forskellige formål. I nogle kulturer blev ørepiercing brugt som et tegn på rigdom eller adelig status, mens det i andre var en del af religiøse eller spirituelle traditioner.

Kropsdele og kulturer

Ud over ørerne blev andre kropsdele også piercet i forskellige kulturer. Nogle af de mest kendte er næsepiercingen, der blev praktiseret i Indien og Mellemøsten, navlepiercingen, der har rødder i oldtidens Egypten, og tungepiercing, som har en lang historie i forskellige stammer rundt om i verden.

Piercing i moderne tid

I det 20. århundrede blev piercing mere udbredt i vestlige kulturer og blev en del af modetrends og ungdomskulturen. Piercinger blev populære i punk- og goth-subkulturerne og udviklede sig senere til mere almindelige praksisser i mainstream-samfundet.

Sundhed og sikkerhed

I de senere år er der blevet mere opmærksomhed på sundhed og sikkerhed i forbindelse med piercing. Strenge standarder for hygiejne og sterilisering er blevet indført for at minimere risikoen for infektioner og andre komplikationer. Professionelle piercingstudier er almindelige, hvor specialuddannede piercere udfører proceduren med passende udstyr.

I dag er piercing stadig en populær form for kropsudsmykning og selvudtryk. Mennesker vælger forskellige former for piercing afhængigt af personlig smag og kulturelle baggrunde. Det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på at vælge en erfaren og pålidelig piercer og at følge de nødvendige efterbehandlingsrutiner for at sikre, at piercingen helbreder korrekt og sundt.


The Piercing History

Piercings have a long history stretching back to ancient times and different cultures

Early piercing history

The practice of piercing dates back to ancient times and has been a part of various cultures around the world. Archaeological findings have shown that people wore piercings in the ears, nose, lips and other body parts thousands of years ago.

These piercings often had a symbolic, ritual or cultural meaning such as marking rites of passage, social status or religious ceremonies, here are some examples of body piercing from different cultures


both men and women wore earrings, and this is known from pictures, statues and mummies. Ear piercing was a common practice and was considered to have a protective and decorative function.

Roman Empire

Roman legionnaires often wore earrings as a form of amulet or protection during their military campaigns. Ear piercing was also widespread among other social classes and had a social and cultural significance.


Nose piercing was and still is a common practice in many Indian cultures. In some societies, nose piercing has a symbolic meaning and may indicate marital status or religious affiliation.

Middle East

In many Middle Eastern cultures, women wore nose and ear piercings as part of their traditional clothing and adornment.Mesoamerica The Mayan and Aztec cultures of ancient Mesoamerica practiced body piercing as part of their religious ceremonies.

Many images of gods and dignitaries show them with nose and ear piercings.

Oceania and the Pacific Islands

In some tribes and cultures in Oceania and the Pacific Islands, body decoration, including piercing, was widespread. For example, some tribes in Papua New Guinea traditionally wore large tongue piercings as a sign of strength and courage.

These examples are just a few of the many cultures that have practiced ancient body piercing. The practice has had different purposes, meanings and traditions in the different cultures and remains an important part of cultural identity and self-expression in some societies today.

Ear piercing

Ear piercing is one of the oldest and most widespread forms of body piercing. It has been practiced in different cultures for centuries and served different purposes. In some cultures, ear piercing was used as a sign of wealth or noble status, while in others it was part of religious or spiritual traditions.

Body parts and cultures

In addition to the ears, other body parts were also pierced in different cultures. Some of the most well-known are the nose piercing that was practiced in India and the Middle East, the navel piercing that has roots in ancient Egypt, and the tongue piercing that has a long history in various tribes around the world.

Piercing in modern times

In the 20th century, piercing became more widespread in Western cultures and became part of fashion trends and youth culture.

Piercings became popular in the punk and goth subcultures and later evolved into more common practices in mainstream society.

Health and safety

In recent years, more attention has been paid to health and safety in connection with piercing. Strict standards of hygiene and sterilization have been introduced to minimize the risk of infections and other complications.

Professional piercing studios are common, where specially trained piercers perform the procedure with appropriate equipment.

Today, piercing is still a popular form of body decoration and self-expression. People choose different types of piercing depending on personal taste and cultural backgrounds.

It is important to be aware of choosing an experienced and reliable piercer and to follow the necessary aftercare routines to ensure that the piercing heals properly and healthily.